T'iolani Hiapo

"Tiny is the flower, yet it scents the grasses around it."

Personal Information

Age: 31
Gender: Cisgender female [she/her]
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Tribe: Island Talons Sept of the Condor Tribe
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: T'manu Nunh (Partner)
*Birthday: 18th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon


Hair: Long, bright blue with tropical green ends
Eyes: Vivid, cool teal
Height: 5'4"
Build: Tall, fit, and feminine
Features: Decked out in jewelry and beading that seems to be made of thick wood in various colours. Tattoos along her arms and legs that are visible in geometric shapes depicting various symbols and animals. Sharp, icy teal eyes, soft freckles on her cheeks and shoulders. Traditional black tattoos in intricate patterns along her arms and back
Languages: Common


As High Priestess of the Island Talons, T'iolani has the second most important position within the sept, charged with guiding religious ceremonies and interpreting messages left by Azeyma. She is also a skilled huntress and leader of the guardians that protect the verdantwood cave.
T'aiolani bears the weight of her sept's traditions on her shoulders with pride and poise and takes her position in the community very seriously. She sees her role as pivotal and one of compassion and protection and never shirks her duty. She is the warm sun, the verdant earth, and the virulent winds. She is also a joyful person with a wicked sense of humor and a playful streak that shines through when she is at home.




T'rangi Tia

Twin brother

T'anewa Tia

Younger brother

T'tihani Hiapo

Middle sister

T'manu Nunh

Warrior-Chieftain of the Island Talons sept and Iolani's long time primary romantic partner.


T'mhari Rinz

Battle healer and local spitfire, always ready for a fight or a test of skill or strength.

T'mihki Tia

T'kiri's brother

T'kiri Hakoa

Preeminent weaver of the Tribe and master of her craft, sunny disposition if a bit of a shut-in.

T'rhutea Tia

Wandering archer and forester, acting as a trader and scout to the world beyond their islands, charismatic and kind with a tendency to wax poetic.

Out of Character

Hi there! I'm Aria! Thanks for checking out my carrd!
I have one million and one alts so if I'm not on this character and you want to message me I'm available on discord DisjointedAria#6793 and on tumblr at EchoesOfAzim
I'm an old hat at RP across many formats but still learning about FFXIV specifically, so please bear with me. I'm generally open to walk-ups but prefer to be sent a tell to check if I'm actually available for RP if my tag isn't on.
This character does not engage in ERP. That includes non-con or dub-con! Thanks for understanding!